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Silk scarves-why every stylish woman should have a few?

What is it about a silk scarf that can transform an entire outfit into something sophisticated and chic?

1. Scarves can transform an entire outfit into something sophisticated and chic, adding a stylish touch, charm and glamour.

2. A silk scarf is one of your most versatile accessories. 

3. There are a lot of ways to incorporate a scarf into your style outfit. The scarf could be worn on hair, as a bandana, headband, belt, on the bag, on a neck or shoulders, as a top, on a hat or as a bracelet….

4. Everywhere you go, you could bring it.

5. You can transform your whole outfit by adding a pop of colour with a scarf and a bag that matches the scarf.

6. If you are inexperienced, don’t overdo it with patterns that are bold.

Some people can handle bold patterns, but if you are inexperienced, don’t go overboard. Start with simple colours and patterns and when you get comfortable, you can move on to more sophisticated ones.

7. This stylish item should also be of high quality, just like everything else in your outfit.

8. Wear the scarf only if it flatters your outfit and elevates your style.

9. Colours and patterns make a scarf just as appealing. 

10. The scarf can link all the pieces together, but avoid wearing it if it feels too much.

11. Using it as a bandana or hair decoration is a great way to draw attention to your face.

12. The scarf could be worn as a belt or as an accessory to jazz up your bag with a splash of colour.

When choosing a silk scarf, consider the following:

–Choose a colour that flatters your skin tone, complements your personal style, and goes well with the rest of your clothes. This item like everything else in your wardrobe should be individual.

–It needs to be of the higher quality possible.

–Buying designer brands might sound appealing, but make sure you are not ordering trendy items just because someone else is wearing them. 

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