1. The Habit Loop?
Charles Duhigg uses the term “habit loop” in his book “The Power of Habit”. By understanding the habit loop, you can gain greater control over your habits and make positive changes to your life.
The habit loop includes three parts:
The cue: It is a prompt that tells your brain to do something. It can be anything, such as the time of day, an emotion, a location, or an association
The reward: It’s the benefit you receive from completing the routine.In order for a habit to form, all three parts of the loop need to be in place. And once a habit is formed, it’s pretty much automatic—you don’t have to think about it anymore. You just do it.
2. How to Overcome Bad Eating Habits
Let’s break down the bad habit of eating snacks between the main meals or overeating:
The cue: Sometimes you feel tired, bored, or stressed.
The routine: Eating gives a signal to the brain that you are safe. That is why unconsciously you are always reaching for some snacks between the main meals or eating a large portion of food.
The reward: While you are eating you feel satisfied and relaxed, and you get *feel good* hormones, known as endorphins.

What Should You Do?
You need to try and break this habit. Next time you are tired, bored, or stressed, try to find a way to remove this emotion from your brain. Here are some ideas for you:
Take a bath, go for a manicure, or read about elegance, fashion, and style.
Be mindful when you eat, and plan all your meals in advance.
Go to a food market and supply yourself with quality, fresh food.
Turn your eating into a fine art ritual, where you could use china, crystal, and porcelain. Light a candle, put on some music, sip on a wine, and make sure you are only eating until you are elegantly satisfied.
Break Your Bad Eating Habits One Day At a Time
You’ve most likely had these habits for a while, and you need to give yourself adequate time to break them for good. Day after day, again and again, on repeat, until eating elegantly becomes your second nature. Be kind to yourself and be proud that you are at least trying.
Rewire Your Brain
In your mind, create a picture of your new self that follows these new elegant habits. You need to imagine yourself being elegant and enjoying an elegant body. What does this version of yourself look like, where is she shopping from, how does she feel?
Reward Yourself
To successfully create new habits, you must reward yourself. After all, it’s what habits are all about.
When you complete the habit for a certain number of days in a row, reward yourself with a manicure or something that you’ve been eyeing for a long time. Buy yourself well-fitted and beautiful lingerie or beautiful hangers. This will mark your new way of life.

3. Habit Stacking
Habit stacking is the idea of taking one habit and “stacking” another one on top of it. For example, maybe you have a routine of spending much time on social media. You could use this habit for something productive. For example, if you want to be more stylish, you can choose to read fashion blogs.
Habit stacking is an elegant way to change your habits over time. It’s easier to build your new habits into existing routines than trying to create something new from scratch every time. So give it a try! Stick with one small change per day and stack them up until you have reached your desired goal.
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